Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mealtime Meltdown

I don't know if you can tell how splotchy his face is, but he cried for all of dinner and a good twenty minutes afterwards. He refused to eat ONE single bite of food. He ate all of his banana, but he would not take a bite of the meat and insisted that the chips be removed from his plate- not fast enough, so he threw them onto our table. (He must have just been in a bad mood, huh?)

We said he had to eat three bites of the meat and beans (we had taco salad) and he could get down and go play. Talk about a major meltdown.

After lots of tears, screams and us cleaning up the kitchen, I made my way to other household chores. When he screamed for me as I left the room, I told him I was going to change the light bulb in his room and he wanted to come. I told him to carefully hold the light bulb and take the bite and he could join me. He opened his mouth instantly, ate the food and almost automatically, turned back into his cheerful self. He even said the bite was good!

He still made some sobbing noises for a while afterwards. UGHHH! What an obnoxious meal!

And to top it off, we took away his binkie for good tonight! Sad mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl...it gets better(well, sort of). Bailey started having "meltdowns" about 2 1/2 and though they got pretty obnoxious at times...I will say...they are getting better(fewer and farther between...though when he does have them now...they are HUGE meltdowns...usually consisting of a "floor tantrum"...and full blown SOBBING and SCREAMING...fun, huh, but at least they are not as often)!
    But, just remember...most of the meltdowns are due to communication and not getting what they want at that particular moment!
    Keep up the great work and know you are an AMAZING MOMMY!!!
